Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Sleepy in Seattle

Last week was a nice break in an otherwise hectic month.  Mr. Bean and I took off for some good TLC with Seattle and all that it offers.  Namely, my BIL (I like to call him my Billy or Billy Bean), my good friend Sarah, and some cousins.  Unfortunately, I was not feeling well most of the trip so I basically slept a lot while Mr. Bean and Billy Bean went skiing, but I can't complain.  There is nothing better than waking up to the sights and sounds of Seattle even if you aren't feeling too hot.  I still got to get in some shopping and sight seeing and some good eating and even took in a concert, so it basically solidified my desires to pack up the Beans and head west.  Pacific northwest, preferably.  Here's some snaps of my trip.

A special shout out to my Billy and Sarah for always showing us what we are missing out on.  I can't wait to go back.... 


Anita said...

YAY!!! I'm soooo glad you got to see the Library!!! And now you know how devastating it was for me to be there w/o my camera working! That place is AMAZING!!

Seester said...

I die! I want to go to Impress!

Sarah said...

You're always welcome. Come back soon!! You make playing tour guide so much fun.