Saturday, May 23, 2009

Spring Cleaning.

It's been long overdue. I am not by any means a clean freak, but when I was little it was a task that my mother made sure everyone in the house participated in every spring. We'd have to basically purge, dust, and vacuum our butts off. So, around this time of the year, every year, I get that itch that I need to keep that tradition alive. I decided that this weekend would be best since we had an extra day to ourselves and I wouldn't be completely wiped when I returned to work on Monday. I must confess, though, that I had the itch a couple of months ago. But, I ignored it.

My house is practically sparkling from the insane deep cleaning we gave it. And it feels and smells fresh and clean. Love that. We actually didn't touch one hall closet or any of the bedrooms, but I am very, very pleased at the moment. And tired. And sore. :)

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